Friday, June 01, 2007

Favorite quotes from...

Steel Magnolias

Well, you know what they say: if you don't have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me!

In a good shoe, I wear a size six, but a seven feels so good, I buy a size eight.

Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it is marchin' across your face.

- I kind of like hiring somebody with a past.
- She can't be more than eighteen. She hasn't had time to have a past.
- Oh get with it, Clairee. This is the eighties. If you can achieve puberty, you can achieve a past.

I'm not crazy, M'Lynn, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!

Sure there may be risk involved, but that's true for anybody. But you get through it and life goes on.

I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
Mama, you worry too much. In fact I never worry 'cause I always know you're worried enough for the both of us.

When it comes to pain and suffering, she's right up there with Elizabeth Taylor.

Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair.

- Truvy, you know what you need in here? You need a radio, takes the pressure off of everyone feeling they have to talk so much.
-I had one once, but I threw it up against the wall when I couldn't figure out where the batteries went. I know now I was suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome.

I have a strict policy that nobody cries alone in my presence.

I love ya more than my luggage.

That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger.
The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.

Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.

Smile! It increases your face value. Oh, honey, God don't care which church you go, long as you show up!

- A lot she cares. Ousier's never done a religious thing in her life.
-Now that is not true. When I was in school, a bunch of my friends and I would dress up as nuns and go bar-hoppin'.
A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.

-You are playin' hard to get!
-At her age, she should be playin' beat the clock.

There is no such thing as natural beauty.

I don't like her. I don't trust anyone who does their own hair. I don't think it's natural.

Louie brought his new girlfriend over, and the nicest thing I can say about her is all her tattoos are spelled correctly.

I find it amusing. Men are supposed to be made out of steel or something. I just sat there. I just held Shelby's hand. There was no noise, no tremble, just peace. Oh god. I realize as a woman how lucky I am. I was there when that wonderful creature drifted into my life and I was there when she drifted out. It was the most precious moment of my life. (Super sad moment)

Don't try to get on my good side, I no longer have one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I luuurv this movie!! (tambien la de bridget, pero esta mas) para cualquier situacion en la vida, hay una frase/momento de steel magnolias que aplica... graciaaas Ale, por tu nuevo concept de quotes :)