Friday, July 27, 2007

Favorite Quotes From...

Samantha (Sex and The City)

Oh Samantha slutty pero siempre da en el clavo con sus comentarios, no tiene miedo de hablar.

Samantha: There's no such thing as bad publicity.
Carrie: Of course you'd say that, you're a publicist.

Samantha: One time I fucked a guy because he had a swimming pool. I came over and he used to bring me Kool-Aid.
Carrie: Kool-Aid?
Samantha: I was thirteen.

Samantha: You dated Mr. Big. I'm dating Mr. Too Big.

Samantha: Until he says "I love you", you're a free agent.
Carrie: What is this? The Rules According to Samantha?
Samantha: See? I'm more old-fashioned than you think.

Samantha: I'm dating a guy with the funkiest tasting spunk...
[Charlotte storms out of the coffee shop]

Samantha: There isn't enough wall space in New York City to hang all of my exes. Let me tell you, a lot of them were hung.

Samantha: [to her male intern] The bad news is you're fired. The good news is now I can fuck you.

Samantha: [to Carrie about Big] Have fun, just don't have amnesia.

[after oral sex on some guy]
Samantha: Could you shave or something? Blowing you is like getting my teeth flossed.

Samantha: Look at his robe. So "Robin and his Merry Men."

Samantha: You have a lot of nerve telling me to get a wax. If you were in Aruba the natives could bead your back.

Samantha: I'll admit I have had to polish myself off once or twice, but yes, when I RSVP to a party, I make it my business to come.

Samantha: Anything else around here need milking?

Samantha: Last night I could not stop thinking about a Big Mac. I finally had to get dressed, go out and pick up a guy.

Samantha: Well, I don't know how you people do it. All that emotional chow-chow. It's exhausting.

Samantha: What am I supposed to say? "Hi, this is my lesbian lover. And p.s.: I'm done with dick"?

Samantha: You've got to get online, honey. If only for the porn.

Samantha: Where were you on your lunch break? I stopped by your office and you weren't there?
Richard: I was eating.
Samantha: Eating? Eating who?

Samantha: Can we cut the cake? I have to go to a Three-way.

Samantha: The country runs better with a good looking man in the White House. I mean, look what happened with Nixon; no one wanted to fuck him, so he fucked everyone.

Samantha: If we could perpetually do blowjobs to every guy on earth, we would own the world. And at the same time have our hands free.

Samantha: You men have no idea what we're dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don't call it a job for nothin'.

Samantha: You get married and hope for the best. If it doesn't work out you'll get divorced. You can take tap with Bojangles over here.

Samantha: [to the girls] I think I have monogamy. I caught it from you people.

Samantha: My name's Samantha and I'm a loveaholic.

Samantha: [on the possibility that Carrie's boyfriend will propose to her] If you become one of those married assholes, I'll kill you.

Samantha: [somebody drew a crude drawing on Carrie's bus ad, so Samantha tries to comfort her] Nobody in New York notices a bus, unless it's about to hit them.

Charlotte: Oh my God! Vagina weights!
Samantha: Honey, my vagina waits for no man.

Samantha: Well, I'm done with great love. I'm back to great lovers.

Samantha: Starfucks!

Samantha: Fuck me badly once, shame on you. Fuck me badly twice, shame on me!

Samantha: I was thirteen.

Samantha: Money is power. Sex is power. Therefore, getting money for sex is simply an exchange of power.

Samantha on The Rules: The women who wrote that book—they wrote it because they couldn't get laid, so they constructed this whole bullshit theory to make women who can get laid feel bad.

Samantha: Oh come on, if you're going to get a vibrator, at least get one called The Horse.

Samantha (about the Turtle): Once we get the breath under control, I'm going to take him shopping for a whole new wardrobe. He's a cute little fixer-upper!

Samantha, watching Lanie strip at a party: Look at her: the poster girl for low self esteem.

Samantha: Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you can get.

Samantha: Men aren't that complicated. They're kind of like plants.

Charlotte: Is he a good kisser?
Samantha (crying): Oh, who the fuck cares? His dick is like a gherkin.

Samantha: Men cheat for the same reason dogs lick their balls: because they can.

Samantha: I never leave underwear at a guy's place because I never see it again.
Charlotte: What happens to it?
Samantha: Nothing; I just never go back.
Carrie: Doesn't that get a little expensive, disposing of lingerie every time you sleep with a guy?
Samantha: That's why I stopped wearing underwear on dates.
Miranda: And that's why I'm never borrowing a dress from you again.

Samantha: Relationships have been on the decline ever since women came out of the cave, looked around and said, "this isn't so bad."

Samantha: Men do this all the time. Women walk around thinking "we," and their version of "we" is "me"... and my dick!

Samantha: Look, we're as fucked up as you are. It's like the blind leading the blind.

Samantha: Carrie, you can't date your fuck buddy.

Samantha: I don't believe in the Republican party or the Democratic party. I just believe in parties.

Samantha: I find the higher the number the worse the sex. I went out with somebody the third who couldn't even get it up.
Miranda: Imagine how bad Henry VIII must have been.

Samantha: I once dated a guy who liked to wear my underwear but I've never gone the other way.

Carrie: He's a bisexual.
Samantha: I could've told you that, sweetie. He took you ice skating for god's sake!

Samantha: I'm a trisexual. I'll try anything once.

Samantha: Adeena, I'm a lovely woman. At least get to know me, then hate me.
Samantha: Oh please, if you're a whore, what does that make me?

Samantha: They practically chased me with torches like I was Fuckenstein!
Samantha: From my experience, honey, if he seems too good to be true—he probably is.

Samantha: Oh please! There's always a contest with an ex. It's called "who will die miserable."

Samantha: I'm starving! Where's the food?
Miranda: They're WASPs. There's never food, only booze.
Samantha: Fine. One martini, six olives.

Nurse: Do you swallow?
Samantha: Only when surprised.

Samantha on kilts: I like the idea of men in skirts. Easy access.

Samantha: Honey, before you buy the car you take it for a test drive!

Samantha: Low fat Kool Whip is the best. It's less sticky than other brands.
Samantha: That's the thing about the Brazilian. It makes you do crazy things. You have to be very careful who you invite to Brazil.

Carrie: So are you saying there's no way you'd go out with a guy who lived with his family?
Samantha: Well... maybe Prince William.

Samantha, on Charlotte: That girl needs the stick out of her ass and a dick in her coochie, pronto!

Samantha: Oh please, you can't change that about a man. It's part of their genetic code. Like farting.

Samantha: The only place you can control a man is in bed. If we perpetually gave men blow jobs we could run the world!

Samantha: I've never been able to be friends with any man. Why would I? Women are for friendships, men are for fucking.
Samantha: Honey, you have got to learn to form an opinion.

Samantha: Okay, you want details? Okay. He's got the most perfect dick I've ever seen. Long, pink, amazing. It's dickalicious!

Samantha: I'll tell you how to babyproof. Use a condom

Samantha: I will not be judged by you or society. I will wear whatever—and blow whomever—I want as long as I can breathe and kneel!

Samantha: I tell you, it is so refreshing to be with someone who likes to fuck outside the box.

Samantha: Your parents named you Jerry Jerrod? No wonder you drank.

Samantha: Now, maybe in the Dominican Republic, people like to share vibrators, but this is America—land of plenty!

Samantha: We're not going to encourage you to cross an ocean. We're selfish bitches who like you in New York!

Samantha: This funeral is better than fashion week!

I'm Outty :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Que harias por Harry Potter?

Cualquier cosa creo, al fin tengo en mis manos el Libro 7 de Harry Potter y como dicen por ahi: las mejores cosas de la vida cuestan, pues tenerlo me costo bastante; dejenme les cuento lo que me paso.

Llegue a mi casa a las 4:30 a.m. y me dormi como a las 5 asi que puse el despertador a las 10:30 pero no me pude despertar sino hasta las 11:15, en cuanto me despierto checo el tracking number del libro y ya me aparece entregado asi que tenia que ir por el antes de las 2 porque a esa hora cierran el P.O. Box, total que desayuno, me meto a banar y me empiezo a arreglar cuando me doy cuenta en la hora ya eran la 1!!! me empiezo a dar prisa y salgo de mi casa a la 1:32 ya toda paniqueada, iba manejando e ideando un plan para llegar antes de las 2 al apartado, hablo al 700-7000 y la fila esta a mas de 30 min. eso lo descarte, doy vuelta en la Colon e iba como a 120 km/h rapidisimo a lo lejos ya veo la fila asi que me hago al carril de la izquierda, mi plan es ir a un estacionamiento de paga y cruzar a pie, total que la fila se empieza a parar por la Mexico y decido salirme en la Morelos (la del HSBC) en eso veo un estacionamiento en la CFE y rapido me estaciono ahi y decido correr, dije: que tan lejos estoy de aqui? -yo realmente tengo un problema en medir distancias y olvido las cosas y los lugares- en cuanto me bajo del carro y doblo en la esquina sobre la Madero OMG estaba lejisimos de la linea pero ni modo ya no podia perder mas tiempo y empiezo a correr paso la CFE, SEPOMEX, la casa de la Cultura, el Parque de los Ninos Heroes, la Casona, chorros de locales y el hotel del Norte (5 CUADRAS!!) iba corriendo como gacela, me sentia super ligerita no se como explicarlo, solo venia pensando en que tenia que llegar (eran como la 1:45) y pensando y pidiendole a Dios que no hubiera fila para cruzar a pie y dije en caso de que haya fila para cruzar voy a pedirle a alguien que me deje pasar que es una emergencia, con la cara de angustia que traia y que venia toda sudada y agitada creo que si me iban a creer y tecnicamente era una emergencia. Llegue al hotel del Norte y seguia corriendo, baje las escaleras del tunel corriendo subi las otras corriendo y cuando subo veo fila pero era para los permisos (fiu) entro a las oficinas de Customs y habia como 5 personas enfrente de mi y veo mi reloj y faltaban 10 min. creo que ya la habia librado pero aun asi no estaba tranquila cruzo a Calexico y al salir por la puerta sigo corriendo una cuadra mas para llegar al apartado, abro la puerta y mi corazon ya no podia mas estaba a punto de salirse abro mi apartado y veo el papelito de que tenia un paquete, rapido voy con el Sr. y se pone a buscarlo yo ya lo tenia bien ubicadito y le digo: ese es y ya lo toma me lo da firmo y pago y salgo de la oficina (1:54) abrazada a la cajita que tenia una etiqueta que decia: DO NOT DELIVER UNTIL JULY 21, 2007(Today). La verdad no quise abrir el paquete ahi, queria esperarme a estar solita.

Ya de regreso venia caminando despacito abrazada a mi cajita (tenia miedo que me la robaran), sentia las piernas como si trajera dos bloques de concreto, super pesadas y venia toda cansada y sudada; solo venia pensando en que realmente soy un Fan de Harry Potter, porque hice lo imposible por llegar. Finalmente llego a mi carro a las 2:07, me subo prendo el A/C y abro el paquete y ahi estaba "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" el fin de una era.

Voy a leer.

I'm Outty :)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter 7


Si se fijan, la cuenta regresiva ya está a unas cuantas horas. esperé más de 200 dias. Wow time flies.

Fué todo un rollo, a principio de semana me entró el pánico y el miedo a quedarme sin el libro que terminé comprandolo por internet, apenitas alcancé. Mi plan era irlo a comprar a Sanborn's pero hablé por teléfono y no me supieron decir nada, luego llamé a ventas por internet y me dijeron que iban a ponerlo en las tiendas hasta el 25 de JULIO!!! y yo Hell No, no me voy arriesgar asi que lo pedi por internet.

Desde ayer me enviaron el número de guía y me la he pasado monitoreando el paquete, en este momento ya está en El Centro, CA. pero no dice fecha de entrega (damn you) ahora mi dilema es, si irlo a recoger directamente a UPS o esperarme a que llegue a mi P.O. Box, pero mañana cierran tempra y me da miedo que lo cierren y no pueda recogerlo. I'm Scare y'all.

Yo se que anda en internet una copia del libro y spoilers porque a uno de los distribuidores disque se les pasó y entregaron copias desde el martes (la demandota que les va caer), pero yo me he mantenido al margen de todo eso porque prefiero leerlo yo todito y sentir esa emoción de llegar al Final del libro. A todos los que han estado revelando datos por internet y por radio (Rene Franco) SHAME ON YOU :[

Favorite Quotes From...

Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the city)Y'ALL

Carrie: Hi, I'd like a cheeseburger, please, a large fries and a Cosmopolitan.

Carrie: She's shiny Hair Style Section Vera Wang and I'm the sex column they run next to ads for penile implants.

Carrie: I've talked to her twice. Once I was in a cowboy hat and once I was in my bra. I'm like friggin' Annie Get Your Clothes On.

Carrie: How does that work? You go to bed one night, wake up the next morning, and poof - you're a lesbian?

Carrie: Wait a minute. Are we talking tukhis lingus?

Carrie: How does this happen? How do they get the message that the ass is now on the menu?

Carrie: I just left "silent Y" in the bathroom. Oh and P.S., apparently the eighties are back.

Carrie: If by "going," you mean being taken against my will and kidnapped, then yes I'm going. So, enjoy me now, ladies, because this weekend I am Patty Hearst in a mud puddy. I'm a hick town hostage.

Carrie: The only thing I've ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess. And several small fires.

Carrie: Here. Swear. Swear on Chanel.

Carrie: So what are we going to do? Sit around bars, sipping Cosmos and sleeping with strangers when we're eighty?

Carrie: That's another reason I love New York. Just like that, it can go from bad to cute.

Carrie: [laughing uncontrollably] Wait, Wade, Wait... The Chicken Wings. If they come in and see billions of chicken wings they're gonna know
[more laughing]
Carrie: ... that we were smoking the POT.

[after hearing Big is moving to Napa, California]
Carrie: If you're tired of New York you take a nap-a, you don't move to Napa.

Carrie: One woman's pornographer is another woman's spiritual leader.

Carrie: [to Samantha] This past week I've seen Miranda's boobs and Charlotte's boob. Why don't you show me your boobs too and the circle is full?
[Samantha flashes her boobs]
Carrie: I was kidding.

Carrie: [about therapists] First they want you to come there two times a week, then three times a week, and eventually you're starting every sentence with 'my therapist says... '

Carrie: Yes, we'd love to meet Wesley of Wesley and Leslie. And by the way, does he work at Nestlé?

Carrie: Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

Carrie: It was all very familiar. She was having a dejà-fuck.

Carrie: We were having one of those great first dates that you can only have when its not an actual date.

Carrie: It's the end of an era.

Carrie: You string me along for two years and you marry some 25 year old girl after five months.

Carrie: It's good to know that the ones you love will always be in your heart. And if you're very lucky, only a plane ride away.

Carrie: Dolce and Gabanna picked me?
Fashion show producer: Yes, fuckette, and those are some picky Italians.

Carrie: My Zen teacher also said the only way to true happiness is to live in the moment and not be worried about the future.

Carrie: Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with...

Carrie: I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it.

Carrie: Charlotte, you have slept with eight men and we're still on appetizers.

Carrie: I revealed too much too soon. I was emotionally slutty.

Carrie: [offscreen] The only thing harder than choosing a spot for your wedding when you hate weddings is choosing a wedding gift for your friend who hates weddings.

Carrie: We had left the world of black and white, and now everything was gray.

Carrie: [to Mr. Big] I'll see you Sunday night. Don't disappoint us. And by us, I mean you and me.

Carrie: I'm drunk. I'm drunk at *Vogue*!

Carrie: [waiting with Mr. Winkle, the puppet dog, for her book reading to start] This book tour's tough.

Carrie: [Mr. Winkle continues to nod and pant. Carrie gives him a good look] That's a cute top.

Carrie: The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don't. But, in the end, they're the people you always come home to. Sometimes it's the family you're born into and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself.

Carrie: Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it.

Carrie: One woman's Titanic is another woman's Love Boat.

Carrie: I'm thinking balls are to men, what purses are to women. It's just a little bag but we'd feel naked in public without it.

Carrie: The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor.

Creo que no hay mejor manera de cerrar esta semana, no creen?

I'm Outty :)

Friday, July 13, 2007


Por lo general todos los dias de cajón me como una manzana, ya saben “An apple a day keeps the Doctor away” (demonios creo que ya no deberia de comerlas, acaso es por eso que?...sorry empecé a divagar yo me entiendo jejeje). Total de que todos los dias traigo mi manzanita y como a las 2 de la tarde me la empiezo a comer, el problema es que nunca me la termino y pues no me gusta tirarla a medias, asi que lo que hago es guardarla en el refri y después me la termino de comer.

Pero no me había percatado que ya tengo mi colección de manzanas sin terminar de toda esta semana. Hoy me las traje al trabajo de lunch, jejeje. Oigan la crisis está dura y hay mucha hambre en este mundo como para andar desperdiciando comida.

I’m Outty...but not 4 today :)

Exhibit A

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Oiga Doctor

Hay una canción de Sabina que se llama "Oiga Doctor" en ella le reclama al Doctor que le regrese su depresión, que no puede escribir porque está tan feliz que no llega la inspiración. Y creo que este Sabina está muy en lo cierto (como siempre) a mi me pasa mucho, porque ultimamente he andado super contenta, para arriba y para abajo llena de compromisos, proyectos, planes y por más que quiero no me puedo inspirar para escribir algo o ando tan distraida en otras cosas que aunque traiga ganas de escribir me da flojerita.

Pero de unos dias para acá me he sentido un poco en el Down y como que ya me entró la necesidad de escribir como que uno se pone más en contacto con sus sentimientos y todo a tu alrededor te afecta, en cambio cuando andas feliz te sientes como en las nubes y te vale m...todo nos volvemos un poquitin egoistas.

Anyway, prometo escribir más seguidito ya sea happy o en el down.

I'm outty, love ya :)

Oiga, doctor,devuélvame mi depresión,¿no ve que los amigos se apartan de mí? dicen que no se puede consentiresa sonrisa idiota;Oiga, doctor,que no escribo una notadesde que soy feliz.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Favorite Quotes from...

Pelis que vi hoy...

10 Things I hate about you

Kat Stratford:
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.I hate it,
I hate the way you're always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Patrick: Hey there girly... how you doin'?
Kat Stratford: Sweating like a pig actually and yourself?
Patrick: Now there's a way to get a guy's attention huh?
Kat Stratford: My mission in life but obviously I struck your fancy so you see it worked... the world makes sense again.

Bianca: You're asking me out? That's so cute! What's your name again?
Bianca: You don't buy black lingerie unless you want someone to see it.

Bianca: There's a difference between like and love. Because, I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack.
Chastity: But I love my Skechers.
Bianca: That's because you don't have a Prada backpack.

Walter Stratford: [Bianca and Chastity are sneaking past Bianca's father] Shoulda used the window!
Bianca: Hi Daddy!
Walter Stratford: Hi... where're we going?
Bianca: Well, if you must know... a small study group of friends.
Walter Stratford: Otherwise known as an orgy?
Chastity: Mr. Stratford, it's just a party!
Walter Stratford: And hell is just a sauna.

Kat Stratford: You don't always have to be who they want you to be, you know?
Bianca: I happen to like being adored, thank you!

Bianca: Where did you come from? Planet "Loser"?
Kat Stratford: As opposed to Planet "Look At Me, Look At Me"?

Walter Stratford: This morning, I delivered a set of twins to a fifteen-year-old girl, do you know what she said to me?
Bianca: "I'm a crack-whore who should have made my skeazy boyfriend wear a condom"?
Walter Stratford: Close, but no. She said, "I should have listened to my father".
Bianca: She did not.
Walter Stratford: Well, that's what should would have said if she wasn't so doped up!

Patrick: Some asshole paid me to take out this really great girl.
Kat Stratford: Is that right?
Patrick: Yeah, but I screwed up. I, um, I fell for her.

Cameron: Just 'cause you're beautiful, that doesn't mean that you can treat people like they don't matter.

Kat Stratford: What is it, Asshole Day?

Kat Stratford: Tell me something true.
Patrick: Something true... I hate peas.
Kat Stratford: No, something real, something no one else knows.
Patrick: Okay, you're sweet, and sexy, and completely hot for me.

Patrick: Well maybe you're not afraid of me but I'm sure you've thought about me naked, huh?
Kat Stratford: [sarcastically] Am I that transparent? I want you, I *need* you, oh baby, oh baby.

Mr. Morgan: Yes, Miss "I Have An Opinion About Everything"?

Kat Stratford: I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time.

Kat Stratford: You are amazingly self-assured, has anyone ever told you that?
Patrick: I tell myself that every day, actually

Never Been Kissed

Josie Geller: That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Celebrities look alikes

Dicen que nosotros tenemos como 6 o 7 personas parecidas a uno; tal vez esto ya lo habian notado pero en mi opinion estas personas se parecen mucho:
(izq-dcha: Lauren Conrad (The Hills MTV), Kate Middleton (ex del Prince William). arriba: James Morrison (cantante), Chris Martin (Coldplay).

Ustedes que opinan?